Clynfyw Community Benefit Society
INVESTMENTS ARE NOW CLOSED. The offer closed at midnight on Friday 31st May 2024

Introduction to Clynfyw CBS by Jim Bowen
For anyone who has followed Clynfyw’s evolution, it will be no surprise to learn that we are thinking of the future.
For a long time we have been wondering about what happens to Clynfyw in the years to come, not just the care farm bit but the farm as whole. And after a lot of discussion the idea of setting up Clynfyw Community Benefit Society and running a series of community share offers seems a good way of planning a sensible long-term future for the farm while enabling it to become more of a community asset for our wider community with benefits for all involved.
The long-term success of our CBS depends on community involvement right from the start. And that means now! We have been planning this for a while, talking to people, listening and learning but there is still much more to do. The main objective now is to purchase the first part of the farm and ensure that the ownership is transferred to the community as soon as possible.
Change is challenging, and the future is a scary thing. With evidence of the climate crisis increasingly apparent, land use is changing. Food security and sovereignty are even more important. Networking, skill-sharing and collaboration are essential and engaging more people in what is happening at Clynfyw now, will help shape what happens next. Our impact will be microscopic in global terms, but we want to contribute and make sure that vulnerable people are at the heart of the changes here to make sure they are not marginalised and ignored as times get harder.
Would you like to buy a share and truly be part of this adventure? Do you have time to spare and skills to offer? We’d love to hear from you.
Please watch our short video about the Clynfyw Share Offer
The easiest way to invest is to complete our online investment form, available by clicking Open the Investment Form.
Complete the details, and submit the form. You will then receive an email telling you how to transfer the funds. The form also allows you to invest on behalf of an organisation or business, and you can also invest of a child under the age of 16. You can also invest by completing and sending us a paper form - forms are available from the farm, or print off a copy of the online form.
Donations: We also welcome donations. If you are able to make a donation to help Clynfyw Community Benefit Society, you can find out more by clicking here.
"Share Save" investments: You can also build up your membership of Clynfyw CBS with smaller payments over time, if this suits you. Once you have saved £100 you will become a voting member of the society. Please see our form which allows you to join the Share Save Scheme.
COMMUNITY SHARE OFFER: Full details of the share offer can be seen by clicking here.
Why invest?
As well as getting up to 4% interest, your investment will benefit the work of Clynfyw Care Farm. We support adults with learning disabilities and those in recovery from mental unwellness. We also recognise our wider remit; supporting community regeneration with a focus on resilience in the face of the climate catastrophe.
Limits: The minimum share purchase is 100 shares at £1 each. The maximum an individual or company/organisation can hold is 10% of the share target total (currently £350,000), i.e. 35,000 shares (£35,000).
Membership: Once you own 100 shares you are a full Member of the Society. You will then have a say in how it runs - each member gets one vote (irrespective of how many shares you own).
If you have any queries about investing in Clynfyw CBS see further information below, or send an email to
Thank You
Further information:
- Clynfyw Business Plan 2023 - 2028
- Rules of the Clynfyw Community Benefit Society
- Privacy Statement
- Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
- Follow us on Facebook
This Share Offer has been vetted and awarded the Community Shares Standard Mark.

The Community Shares Standard Mark is awarded by the Community Shares Unit to offers that meet national standards of good practice. For more information about community shares, the Community Shares Standard Mark and the Community Shares Unit go to: